Online and Distance Learning Certificate Course in Community Based Disaster Risk Management

Start Date: 2nd Week of every Month

Certificate Course in Community Based Disaster Risk Management

Community Based Disaster Risk Management is a process to enhance the safety of communities vulnerable to natural disasters and protect common property and community resources in disaster prone areas through appropriate capacity building measures at community level. It also enhances livelihood opportunities through community based disaster mitigation initiatives.

The aim of this Course
The aim of the course is to help the learner to understand the concepts, tools and mechanisms that help design and implement community based disaster risk management programs to build community capacity and promote the culture of safety.

Course Content

  • Concepts and terminologies of CBDRM
  • Community based disaster risk management
  • Understanding disaster risk reduction at family level
  • Community Participatory tools &Techniques
  • Understanding risk
  • Risk management strategy and plan
  • Community preparedness and response
  • Disaster response systems and practices
  • Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

Course Outcome
By the end of the training the learner will:

  • Explain the conceptual framework in reducing risk
  • Design and conduct community based vulnerability and capacity assessment
  • Identify measures for hazards and vulnerability and capacity assessment
  • Prepare risk reduction plans and understand how to integrate them into development programmes
  • Document best practice and lesson learnt in community based disaster risk management

Project staff, advisers, volunteers, humanitarian workers, disaster risk managers and consultants involved in community based projects.

Course Organizers

Intex Management Institute was registered in 1983. We have been offering a wide range of Human Resource Management training programs both online and open workshops, building capacity to enhance effective service delivery for NGOs, CBOs, Public and Private sector.

Currently we are training participants from various organizations such as UNDP – Burundi, World Food Programme – Zimbabwe, Red Cross – South Sudan, State Ministry of Education – South Sudan, MEDAIR – South Sudan, AAH - South Sudan, CRF - South Sudan, Norwegian Refugee – Liberia, Zenab for Women Development - Sudan, Action AID, Word Health Organization, AMREF, USAID, National AIDs Control Council, International Committee of the Red Cross among others.

Training methodology:

  • All training materials will be availed through online or distance learning.
  • You are expected to submit by-weekly assignments via email
  • You will receive feedback from our committed instructors.
  • Learn at your own time schedule
  • At the end of the course you will be issued with a certificate.

Other requirements

You will be required to use email, upload and download documents in MS-Word format.

 Learning materials

Course materials and Assignments will be provided at the beginning of the course,
Course Exercises

Students are required to test their own learning by completing exercises and tasks for each unit of the course.

Course Assignments
Students will be required to submit four assignments to demonstrate their understanding of the course content.

Course Duration :8 weeks (2 months)
Target Region            :          Global
Course Fee               :          USD 400
Language                 :           English