Diploma Course in Governance, Leadership and Management

Start Date: 2nd Week of every Month


Governance, Leadership and Management

HIV appeared on our planet in 1981 and the first cases were reported in India in Mumbai and Chennai in 1986. This killer disease has drained economy of several countries and human survival continues to be a major issue in some countries particularly in the African Continent. The recent estimates about HIV/AIDS status in India is certainly comforting as the spread of this disease is currently under control in most parts of the country although the situation continues to be grim in the state of Manipur where the infection rate is around 9 to 11 per cent while the national adult infection rate is well below one per cent at around .34 per cent.

Course Objective
By the end of this Manual you should be able to:
✓ Explain the meaning of HIV/AIDS and their relationship.
✓ Explain the origin and classification of HIV/AIDS.
✓ Explain the relationship between HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
✓ Explain the current status in the spread of HIV/AIDS from global, African and Kenyan perspectives.
✓ Identify factors that contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS in Kenya.
✓ Explore nutrition and HIV and AIDS

Module two Introduction to Management
Module One a) Global and National Scenario of HIV/AIDS b) HIV/AIDS Disease Profile c) Misconceptions of HIV/AIDS/STDs d) History of HIV/AIDS e) Transmission of HIV through Sex f) Transmission of HIV through Blood g) Mother to Child Transmission of HIV h) HIV Testing and Issues Involved i) Moral Issues on HIV Testing j) HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control: Government Initiatives k) HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control: Personal Aspects Module Two a) HIV/AIDS and Women b) HIV/AIDS and Children c) HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse d) STDs and their Management e) HIV/AIDS and the Workplace f) HIV/AIDS and It’s Implication for Individual, Family and Community g) HIV/AIDS Education and Behavior Modification h) Care of the Person with HIV/AIDS i) Care of the Terminally Ill Module three a) Meaning and Current status of HIV/AIDS b) Family Life Education And HIV/AIDS c) Adolescence and HIV/AIDS d) Deviant Behaviour and Drug Abuse e) Impacts of HIV/AIDS f) Management of HIV/AIDS l) Continuum of Care m) Societal Influences on HIV/AIDS Transmission and Prevention g) HIV/AIDS and Ethical Issues j) HIV/AIDS and Law k) Rights of People living with HIV/AIDS (PHLAs) l) HIV/AIDS Related International Legislations Module Four a) Nutrition and Infections/Disease b) The Normal and Modified Therapeutic Diets c) Fevers d) Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) DISORDERS e) Liver Diseases f) Kidney Disorders g) Diabetes Mellitus h) Cardiovascular Diseases i) Weight Management j) Food Nutrition and HIV/AIDS k) Nutrient Requirements for People Living With HIV (PLHIV) l) Nutrition for Pregnant and Lactating Mothers Living With HIV m) Infant and Young Child Feeding In the Context of HIV/AIDS n) Nutrition Assessment and Diagnosis o) Care and Support for People Living With HIV p) Nutrition and Medication in HIV/AIDS q) Food/Nutrition Based Intervention: Food by Prescription (FBP) r) Food and Nutrition Security and HIV/AIDS s) Nutrition Counselling In HIV and AIDS, TB and Opportunistic Infections t) Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation

This course is suitable for people working in civil society of Non-governmental organizations, government institutions members of Board, managers , supervisors and those who wish to undertake any leadership and managerial work in low and middle income areas/countries, and any other individual who wants an understanding of approaches to Governance, Leadership and Management.

Course Organizers
Intex Management Institute was registered in 1983. We have been offering a wide range of Human Resource Management training programs both online and open workshops, building capacity to enhance effective service delivery for NGOs, CBOs, Public and Private sector.

Currently we are training participants from various organizations such as UNDP – Burundi, World Food Programme – Zimbabwe, Red Cross – South Sudan, State Ministry of Education – South Sudan, MEDAIR – South Sudan, AAH International – South Sudan, Norwegian Refugee – Liberia, Zenab for Women Development - Sudan, Action AID, Word Health Organization, AMREF, USAID, National AIDs Control Council, International Committee of the Red Cross among others.

Training methodology:

  • All training materials will be availed through online or distance learning.
  • You are expected to submit assignments via email
  • You will receive feedback from our committed instructors.
  • Learn at your own time schedule
  • At the end of the course you will be issued with Trancripts and a Certificate.

Other requirements
You will be required to use email, upload and download documents in MS-Word format.

Learning materials
Course materials and Assignments will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Course exercises

Students are required to test their own learning by completing exercises and tasks for each unit of the course.

Course Assignments
Students will be required to submit 8 assignments for the period of 8 months to demonstrate their understanding of the course content. At the end of the course training students will write a Research Paper.

Course Duration       :      32 Weeks (8Months)

Target Region             :       Global
Course                       :       USD 600

Language                   :       English