Monitoring and Evaluation Online Certificate

Start Date: 2nd Weekof every Month

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring is a periodically recurring task beginning in the planning stage of a project or programme.  It allows results, processes and experiences to be documented and used as a basis to steer decision making and learning processes hence checking progress against plans.  The data acquired through monitoring is used for evaluation.

Evaluation is assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a completed project or programme.  Evaluation appraises data and information that inform strategic decisions, thus improving the project or programme in the future.

The aim of this course
This will equip you with the necessary knowledge to collect, tabulate and interpret data and information in an organized manner which will guide management decisions in M& E process.

Course Content
The course content will cover the following:

  • Concepts of monitoring and evaluation
  • Problem analysis
  • Result based management
  • Monitoring and Evaluation readiness assessment
  • Monitoring and evaluations Frame work
  • Types of framework
  • Selecting indicators
  • Outcome statements
  • Data collection, capture and quality checks
  • How to define data quality, quantitative and qualitative methods and data analysis
  • Techniques for monitoring and evaluation
  • Preparation and implementation of monitoring and evaluation

Course Outcome
After completing the course the leaner will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of monitoring and evaluation
  • Appraise and determine best fit monitoring methods
  • Appreciate evaluation in the context of development work
  • Understand the framework of analytical categories of evaluation
  • Undertake a problem analysis
  • Determine relevant indicators and data necessary for evaluation
  • Prepare for and implement a monitoring and evaluation process
  • Develop a data indicators grid

M & E Officers, Project accountants, finance managers, project officers and managers, project planners and analysts, Audit staff and anyone interested to improve their Monitoring and Evaluation skills in NGOs and the private sector.

Course Organizers

Intex Management Institute was registered in 1983. We have been offering a wide range of Human Resource Management training programs both online and open workshops, building capacity to enhance effective service delivery for NGOs, CBOs, Public and Private sector.

Currently we are training participants from various organizations such as UNDP – Burundi, World Food Programme – Zimbabwe, Red Cross – South Sudan, State Ministry of Education – South Sudan, MEDAIR – South Sudan, AAH - South Sudan, CRF - South Sudan, Norwegian Refugee – Liberia, Zenab for Women Development - Sudan, Action AID, Word Health Organization, AMREF, USAID, National AIDs Control Council, International Committee of the Red Cross among others.

Training methodology:
  • All training materials will be availed through online or distance learning.
  • You are expected to submit by-weekly assignments via email
  • You will receive feedback from our committed instructors.
  • Learn at your own time schedule
  • At the end of the course you will be issued with a certificate.

 Other requirements

  • You will be required to use email, upload and download documents in MS-Word format.

 Learning materials

Course materials and Assignments will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Course Exercises

Students are required to test their own learning by completing exercises and tasks for each unit of the course.

Course Assignments
Students will be required to submit four assignments to demonstrate their understanding of the course content.

Course Duration       :           8 weeks (2 months)
Target Region          :           Global
Course Fee                :          USD 400
Language                  :           English